Mary Macauley Spiritual Medium
The Way It Should Be
My life has been one just like a lot of you reading this has had many up's and downs, good times and some tough times.
Since I released my true calling working with Spirit, I have gained so much more clarity and satisfaction that my abilities have helped so many others.
My ability to tap into the energy systems of my clients, and touch on important details from past, present and future events enables me to provide my clients with useful information in order to make impactful life changes.
So how did I get here you may ask?
From a very early age I have seen Spirit & throughout my life had strong Spiritual Connection.
Our Blood-Line decends from Clairvoyant/ Pschyic Ancestors . Am 3rd Generation Psychic In our family.
Passed down through generations that naturally had ability to demonstrate Mediumship
Crystal Ball Readings , Tea- Leaves , Tarot & Now Trance Mediumship.
Always have had connections & strong Psychic intuition from childhood.
As Ive grown up & throughout my life I have become very Psychic .
It started with the intrest and the knowing that I was meant to do more with my life Spiritually.
So one particular Saturday afternoon I was booked in for a reading with Simon Goodfellow at the Newark Mind, Body & Spirit event.
This reading started to change everything, so much so I decided to develop my Spiritual & Psychic gifts further.
Really just to see if what I felt as a child had many sort of meaning.
I enrolled on the development workshops Simon Goodfellow ran purely because of the reading & I felt I could trust him, He was the Spiritual medium who if anyone could help me.
Which he did ten fold, after completing the Spiritual & Psychic development I attended The Spiritual students fair which Simon also ran to test my abilities.
Wow I was so shocked at the feedback from clients I had read for over that weekend, in fact I won the Spiritual student fair reader feedback competition.
This was the start of bigger and better things, my life had now completely changed.
Since then I have read for some celebrities done some tv and media work plus read for 1,000's of clients.
Please explore my site & take five minutes to read my clients testimonials.
Kind Regards
Mary xx

About Me , Awards , Tv & Media .
Won Prestigious Award .Came First Out Of 33 Top Mediums
Nominated On Skill & Voting From Client That Id Read For
I believe in spirits, angels, and guidance from the outside universe. In my eyes, all people have the power to improve their lives, all they need to do is harness the proper energy. Since 2000, I have been harnessing divine energy for my clients, providing them with unparalleled psychic services; I am pleased to do the same for you. Get in contact with me today to see how we can begin working together.